Actress + Blogger: Melanie
1. Let's start off with a quick introduction of who you are, what you do, and where we can find you!
Hi! I’m Melanie Sutrathada and I’m so excited to be featured in this amazing space with one of my favorite humans! I’m a New York-based actor, host, and content creator with a love for hamming it up and laughing entirely too loudly. Think Elle Woods and Leslie Knope meets Kimmy Schmidt (minus the whole trapped in a bunker bit) and you’ve basically got me in a nutshell.
2. You made the move from the West to East Coast, what was the biggest surprise to you with the relocation? How would you compare San Diego to NYC?
Besides the weather (still not sure I’ll ever get used to owning a giant puffer coat that looks like a sleeping bag), the biggest surprise was the sense of hustle that the east coast inherently has. NYC really is the city that never sleeps and you have to be willing to throw yourself into whatever you do. Nothing is handed to you in this city and you have to really want to do big things and throw yourself into every opportunity. I learned pretty early on that if you don’t build your own dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs, and that sense of urgency is something that has always blown me away about living in New York opposed to California.
3. With 2020 being a rollercoaster thus far, how has this year changed your perspective? What have you unlearned?
There were so many things I had on my to-do list going into 2020 - many of these things had rolled over from one list to another over the course of 2019. With the pandemic, I really saw how often I put things on my plate because I thought they should be there even though I didn’t really want to do them. I always said, “Oh, I don’t have the time. I’ll do that tomorrow.” But the thing is, now we have all the time in the world and I still didn’t want to do those things. 2020 has provided me with the opportunity to really take a look at my priorities and learn to say no to the things that are keeping me busy versus productive. I’ve definitely been unlearning bad habits in all respects from working in bed to holding onto toxic friendships. I keep hearing that 2020 is canceled, but I don’t agree. There is still time to change your own mind or to chase the things that light you up. It is never too late!
4. How do you decompress after a bad day?
I love spending time outside and find that the majority of my bad days happen on the days I’ve spent indoors for extended periods of time. That being said, my favorite ways to decompress are stand-up paddleboarding, long bike rides along the river, and sunset runs next to the water. Well, those things and binge-watching “Schitt’s Creek”. A good peanut butter and jelly sandwich usually helps too.
5. What is your secret to staying inspired and motivated?
When I feel uninspired and in need of motivation, I step away from the work. Our creativity ebbs and flows just like anything else and the more pressure we put on it, the harder it can be to get out of a rut. So, I focus on the things that make me happy and give myself a little grace. A taco date with a friend, a bit of Marvel, or a video of a panda sneezing and I’m usually in better spirits! I've also found that you really are who you surround yourself with. My closest friends are all incredibly kind, talented, and creative, and spending time with them always has me feeling inspired and motivated!
6. What is one lesson you've learned through the acting industry?
You have to keep showing up. Always. Even when you don’t feel like it. Especially when you don’t feel like it. No amount of talent, beauty, or connections will help you if you don’t show up for yourself and others. So much success in this industry comes from being in the right place at the right time. The hard part though is that you never know what the right place is so you have to keep putting in the work and being prepared. There are so many projects that I’ve booked through word of mouth or because of one small gig that turned into something much bigger down the line just because another actor or crew member enjoyed working with me.
7. Do you have plans on moving back to LA and if so, what do you expect will change for you?
LA is definitely in my future! My goal is to be a series regular on a feel-good, long-running workplace comedy similar to “The Office” or “Parks and Recreation” and Los Angeles definitely has more comedic work than New York right now. I want to be in shows that reflect the world we live in today and that makes people feel understood, heard, and loved. At that point in my career, I’d love to be bi-coastal and travel back and forth from LA to New York for different projects. My hope is that a lot of things will stay the same as they are now except they’ll be happening on a larger scale. Fingers crossed!
8. What is one thing you wish someone told you growing up that would've helped you in life?
That if you don't ask, the answer will always be no.
9. How do you balance work with volunteering and personal time for yourself?
I used to think that work-life balance was a thing. As I've gotten older and gained more experience though, I've really seen that you can do anything, but you can't do everything. It's all a matter of figuring out your priorities and going from there. My work as an actor and a host was definitely slow over the past six months because of the pandemic. Both of the shopping series I host was put on hiatus and the entire film and tv industry shut down with the exception of a handful of Zoom/shoot-from-home projects, so I had a lot more time to focus on personal growth and volunteering. As the industry opens back up, I'm finding myself shifting my priorities because I'm now filming half a dozen or more auditions every week and am being booked for on-set work. There's less time for larger volunteer projects than there was in recent months, so I'm working to schedule in shorter shifts that are more flexible, and that allows me more personal time. It's all a matter of doing what feels right for you at the moment! There's no right way to find the balance because the balance is different for everyone.
10. What is one thing you wish everyone else practiced more?
Being kind over right. We could all use a little more kindness right now!