My Feng Shui Infused Apartment Makeover
Colors of your bedroom matter. Always had a neutral palette but added in some calm art pieces on the wall.
This beaded curtain separates my kitchen from my living area, which we added to keep the two areas clearly apart since I live in a studio.
Not shown is the mirror we laid underneath the bed, face down, to bounce whatever energy I get from from the carport downstairs - back down.
This is my wealth corner, so we added plants and some art pieces to help with the energy.
Office corner was reverted to have the desk face forward versus against the wall. Added in motivational artwork to keep me inspired.
That dresser you see through the doorway was in the closet originally. We moved it out into the hallway area and added in photos of me & KSOLE, as it’s my relationship corner.
As you may know from Instagram, I have a very tiny space in LA but, I love my cozy home and I’ve made the most out of it with decor, storage strategy and most recently implementing Feng Shui. Feng Shui has always been really interesting to me but I wanted to actually learn about it before just moving stuff around based on something I saw on Pinterest.
What is Feng Shui?
If you aren’t familiar, ‘fung sh-way’ is an ancient Chinese practice that combines geography and astronomy to identify the flow of energy in a space. By using furniture placement, symbols, colors, and mirrors we can positively or negatively affect the Chi (energy). By using the compass, the date a building or home was built and the person’s birthdate you can create a map of the home’s energy or chi. By using a person’s birthdate you can further amplify the energy of space for that person by implementing their best directions.
I reached out to Vivian, a Feng Shui expert! She helped me re-design my space and taught me that Feng Shui is not about interior design. After our session, I asked her if she could answer some specific questions about Feng Shui to help make it a tangible practice for you to implement into your home.
So you know — Vivian practices Classical Chinese Feng Shui which is different from Western (Black Hat) Feng Shui. The main difference between the two is in CCFS time is taken into account. For example, Vivian finds the homes facing direction using the compass directions, and along with the year the home was built, Vivian calculates the home’s natal chart. Vivian also doesn’t use “cures” the way western FS does. We do use mirrors but in a different way from Western Feng Shui. For example, WFS believes that placing a mirror behind a stove so that the burners are reflected will double your wealth. CCFS would never suggest that. Furniture placement is to ensure the proper flow of chi throughout the space.)
When implementing Feng Shui Vivian uses a Bagua, which is a map that compares your space to your life forces and helps bring intention to areas in your life such as money, wellness, relationships, etc. In CCFS this is all in relation to your home’s actual directions. More in the interview below.
Interview with Feng Shui Expert, Vivian, of Living Spaces by Vivian
1. Who are you? How do you help people?
My name is Vivian and I’m a certified Feng Shui practitioner. Feng Shui has been a long love affair for me, and I never thought of it as anything more than a hobby, until a few years ago. Being a born and bred New Yorker, I understand as well as anyone the need for a calm, clear space so that we can perform in our lives from a place of peace, clarity, empowerment, and abundance. I now know the many ways Feng Shui can benefit and use that knowledge to help my clients. The practice is not just about arrangements, it’s about our relationship to our environment. I’ve used it in my own life to manifest a lot of wonderful things and have come to understand a lot about myself using this practice. I believe that Feng Shui brings clarity into your life when used properly.
2. What is the type of Feng Shui you focus on and how is it different from the other options?
I practice Classical Chinese Feng Shui (CFS). It is the more authentic and traditional science of Feng Shui practiced in Asia for thousands of years.
The main difference in Classical Chinese Feng Shui is that TIME is a factor. In western Feng Shui, regardless of the actual compass directions of where you are, you lay the Bagua over your floorplan with North, Northeast, or Northwest being located at the front door. When I first got into FS 20+ years ago there was only western Feng Shui here in the states. The issue I had was that sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t. You can’t Feng Shui once and forget it. There were other things that I experienced with it that weren’t so positive. It wasn’t until I came to learn and understand what CCFS is that it made sense to me. I saw a real change.
3. When is the general process you go through when you first start working with a client?
When I work with a client my first question is what are you hoping to achieve? People will hire me for many different reasons. Such as, they want to sell their home, buy a home, they want to work on their relationships, their career, they’re having issues with their children. It can be anything.
I ask for a floorplan, the date the home/building was built, and their date of birth.
I also ask for pictures and videos of the space, especially if I’m doing a remote consultation.
4. How did you determine which corner was my "relationship" / "wealth" corner?
Using the compass direction of your home, I was able to create your home’s natal chart. Then, with your date of birth, I was able to find out what your Ming Gua Number (Destiny Number) was. I used the Ba Zhai Method to find out your most auspicious directions. I always like to do this calculation because sometimes we can’t, for whatever structural reason, have the head of our bed facing our most optimal position. Or, for example, the bathroom is the Relationship/Southwest sector. It’s an added dimension that can be very useful. A lot of people think there is only one wealth sector or one relationship sector. There is not.
5. What is one thing everyone should know about Feng Shui?
Your environment is a direct reflection of you, period. Feng Shui uses a different, more in-depth lens, to view your surroundings. Feng Shui affects all of the human conditions. Now it doesn’t mean you will never have problems again in your life. We are humans here on this planet and will continue to experience all of the negative, as well as the positive, that goes on in this world. Feng Shui can help mitigate and can help you see where the issues lay.
6. What is one mistake most people make when it comes to Feng Shui?
That it’s about interior design.
7. How do you maneuver through awkward layouts or small spaces that cannot be altered properly?
You can only work with what you have. The idea is to maximize the space so that it flows smoothly for that person. You can have a small space and it can still have amazing chi!
8. What is the best way to contact you to learn more?
I’d love to meet you! You can go to my website or email me directly at I work in person and virtually with my clients!
How to Implement Some Feng Shui Today
Vivian was so helpful to me and I would highly recommend working with her! Before I sign off here are some quick Feng Shui tips you can implement today:
In your Home office - Ensure your office chair is not with your back to the door and ideally not in line with it.
In the Bathroom - Keep the door closed and the toilet seat lid down.
Mirrors - Don’t place them within 5 feet of entering, you will bounce the energy back out the door. Use full-length mirrors for a sense of completeness.
Plants - Bring life into your space to activate Chi
Lights - Attract life and help activates and lifts Chi
Thank you Vivian for all the help and tips. I am really feeling the change in energy and while I won’t disclose how it’s exactly working for my work life, I can tell you that it IS working :)